We have a new address!

1105 Satellite Blvd Ste 200 Suwanee, GA 30024
Same showroom hours M-F 9-4pm

How To List Your Web Profile

NOTE: You must first be a registered JFM customer in order to have a profile listing.

Setting up your profile is simple. Login to your account and click the MY ACCOUNT link at the top of the page (step 1), which takes you to the Member Account Dashboard.Then click on theMEMBER PROFILE link on the right side (step 2) as shown in the image below.


Once you are into the Member Profile Manager, you should be able to just fill in the blanks. Let us know if you are having any problems. You will notice that there is a VIEW PROFILE button in the profile manager. This button will become active after you have submitted your profile for approval. It will let you view the profile and make any changes you want without waiting for the profile to be approved by JFM and made public. We will approve profiles as soon as possible.